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Move the North - Presentation - Weissenhäuser Strand


The Fehmarnbelt Days provide a broad platform for stakeholders from all over the emerging Fehmarnbelt Region and beyond to exchange ideas and experiences, to discuss key issues and further cross-border collaboration. Professionals from business, administration, science, politics and NGOs meet at the Fehmarnbelt Days digital-hybrid conference under the profile of future-orientation and the spirit of new thinking.Move the North is delighted to host the online conference „Bridging the Gap - Creating bridges through cultural network“.


When: 31.05.2021 at 11.00 - 12.00



Bridging the Gap - Creating bridges through cultural networks

Nine million citizens live in the regions between Hamburg, Copenhagen and Malmö. For many years the cities have been actively pursuing closer collaboration with the ambition to jointly position the cities as a Northern European Centre for dynamic growth -opening a multitude of possibilities for creating a new European Region. By promoting cultural encounters beyond country borders this mutual goal becomes a living experience for the people of the North! It is important to recognize and use the mediating function of culture to move Europe together - Move the North.


Head of the Move the North cross-border-festival Jana Pulkrabek will discuss the importance and benefits of how a strategic and long-term cultural policy can support the growth of a new European Region with: Pia Allerslev, Former Mayor of Copenhagen (2008-2107), Jens-Peter Saul , Hamburg Ambassador / Group CEO Ramboll , Dr. Rolf-Barnim Foth, Hamburg Ministry for Economy, Traffic and Innovation, Karina Holst, City of Stade - Head of EU funding and City Partnerships

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